
Installing a Control Panel 6

Learn how to Install a hosting control panel like cPanel, Plesk, etc.

Nameservers - DNS 6

Update Domain Nameserver on, Namecheap, Godaddy, DynaDot, LogicBoxes Based Registrar

SolusVM 19

SolusVM tutorial on how to manage SolusVM, install/re-install an OS, VNC, etc.


Tutorials on generating CSR, cPanel AutoSSL, SSL/TLS, etc.


 CSF - Command Line - Linux Server Administration

Useful CSF SSH Command Line Commands (CSF Cheat Sheet) This article covers some useful...

 How to create a user-friendly URL using .htaccess?

If your website is using long URL like, you can change it...

 How to redirect a page to another page or website using .htaccess?

If a page on your website no longer exist and you want to redirect it to your new page or website...

 php error: Allowed memory size of x bytes exhausted

If you are getting an error like "Allowed memory size of... in file...